Alumni: Former student returns to Greenhouse to share love of performing arts
Melissa Milford
Melissa not only attended Greenhouse (‘05-08 & ‘13-‘16) but later became one of the Performing Arts teachers.
Years at Greenhouse: 2005-08, 13-16
College: Wheaton College
Major: Music
Grad School: Northern Illinois University
Major: Masters of Music
Employer: Greenhouse Christian Co-School
Job: Performing Arts Teacher
Self-Employment: Viola & Violin Teacher
Living in: Wheaton, IL
Worships at: College Church
As a Grammar student, Greenhouse helped me love school and learning in general. I loved the teachers and the chance to be in a classroom setting apart from home. Being able to do art projects and science experiments, try weird food while listening to stories in history/lit, and put on various performances throughout the year was a gift I only recognized in hindsight. My five years in public schools showed me what I'd had and what I'd lost. I spent most of those five years recalling material I'd learned in first through fourth grade at Greenhouse.
When I returned as a sophomore in Rhetoric, I was once again struck by the different environment and attitude toward learning. I'll never forget how on my first day back, we went outside during history to take turns stirring a bucket of something including whale blubber in order to make soap. That would never have happened in my other history classes.
Rhetoric was vital for me to regain my self-motivation to learn and care about school after a period of indifference. Classroom material and expectations were once again clear and I felt my teachers cared for me as a person. I learned what it looked like to manage my time (and often not manage it well, let's be honest) and was able to spend more of my life making music instead of withering away in a classroom five days a week.
As many of my fellow freshmen at Wheaton College were figuring out how to juggle classes that didn't meet every day and were freaking out about writing long papers, I felt right at home in the humanities due to my literature classes and thesis project at Greenhouse. All throughout my freshman year I was able to draw on much of my Greenhouse experience
Now as a teacher, I value the small classes and getting to know the unique personalities of each cohort. I can appreciate both what it feels like to be a student but also realize all that goes into teaching in an experiential setting. Being given the role of Performing Arts teacher has definitely shaped my approach to teaching and impacted it for the better. Greenhouse has made all the difference in my life and will continue to even when my time there is done.
–Melissa Milford