Help & Hope Program
Hope for struggling students
Is your child unable to focus?
Does he have difficulty following instructions?
Is your student anxious about school?
Have you noticed poor reading comprehension, low math or memory skills?
Does she experience social issues, or behavioral problems?
Is his posture or handwriting poor?
Does she have trouble sitting still?
Does homework take too long?
Is he experiencing general academic difficulties?
Did you answer “Yes” more than once?
If so, we recommend doing an assessment for your child.
The good news is that there is help for learning issues like these, and hope for students to master the skills they need to succeed.
Listen to one Mom’s story of how Help & Hope aided her son with focus, writing, and reading comprehension.
It all starts with an individual assessment. Help & Hope has a pool of certified practitioners who conduct the initial assessments as independent contractors.
After the assessment, the personalized training sessions are conducted on-site at Greenhouse by the Help & Hope Team for those who choose to do so.
Based on the assessment, Help & Hope can provide a personalized training plan for students as well as sessions where they can master the skills they have been missing. Rather than teaching students to accommodate learning difficulties, Help & Hope allows students to remediate many of the underlying issues.
Testimonials from Parents
What is SOI and IPP?
Structure of Intellect or SOI is a helpful diagnostic tool for identifying weaknesses and giftedness that contribute to a student’s ability to learn effectively. Learn more by visiting the SOI Systems website.
The SOI portion is largely workbook based.
Integrated Practice Protocol or IPP is an expanded SOI program. It is a sophisticated brain-based program that gets to the root problems of learning difficulties. The goal of IPP is to enable students to integrate messages from all the senses. IPP includes physical ad visual exercises.
“The children have slowly but surely improved in so many areas in which they struggled for years. How great it has been as parents to not feel alone in helping our children succeed!”