Imagine the impact…

…of students who know how to learn for themselves, and who have been trained to lead people by serving.

…of students who have experience in building community and who are aware of the needs of those around them.

…of students who have experienced the power of prayer and who live in relationships that are marked by honesty.


Can you imagine it? Picture your son, or your daughter. It can all start with a child. At Greenhouse, we absolutely believe that. And we have seen it.

Do you want your children to thrive?

It is a simple question. And you would not be reading this if you weren't seeking to discover the best education for your children and your family. But what does it mean to thrive?

Philosophers use the term "the good life" to describe thriving. The answer to the question "What is the good life?" drives our model of education. The Bible proclaims that our lives have meaning in and through Christ, the perfect man. We believe that outside of Christ there is no good life.

From a Judeo-Christian perspective when our loves or affections are properly ordered — seeking to be conformed to the image of Christ — we can thrive. We believe there is truth to seek, goodness to nurture, and beauty to receive. These transcendentals are real… sourced in God Himself … reflected in creation. And when our children's loves and affections are properly ordered, they will thrive. Our teachers value academics greatly, but more importantly they seek to partner with parents to shepherd children’s hearts.


Co-School | n.

[ koh • skool ]

The definition of co-school℠ is an educational institution which partners with homeschooling families to provide group instruction in specific curricula utilizing a professional faculty.

What are the key ingredients of a full-bodied, life-giving education?

Properly accomplished, co-schooling provides students with a better education than they could otherwise receive either in a traditional school setting or exclusively in their homeschools. The "co-" is all-important. Co-school teachers partner with parents for the sake of the students. Parents partner with co-school teachers and other co-schooling families for the sake of the students. When all the key ingredients coalesce, a full-bodied, life-giving education is possible.

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Learn more about our Core program and where your child fits in our classical model.