Alumni: Greenhouse helped prepare her to serve overseas


Attending Greenhouse from 1st through 12th grades, G now serves in a sensitive area in the Middle East.

For the protection of G, and those she works with and serves, we have limited her biographical information and used a photo from childhood (from a Living Wax Museum display).

  • Years at Greenhouse: 2005-17 

  • College: Wheaton College

  • Grad School: Elmhurst University

  • Degree: Master of Science in Nursing

  • Living in: Middle East

My time at Greenhouse was a formative experience not just in the excellence of education, but in forming students holistically: mind, body, and soul. I see how the vision of Greenhouse to raise up servant leaders impacted my life. It has empowered me to lead through service wherever I go…whether that was to my hospital co-workers, or now in my current role overseas.


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Greenhouse Christian Co-School, based in the western suburbs of Chicago (Wheaton, IL), serves families all across the suburbs of Chicago. Serving grades 1 through 12 , our core program provides in-person learning one day a week and our elective classes include a variety of enrichment opportunities.


Alumni: The teachers’ enthusiasm for teaching shaped me


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